  This month's theme day for the Daily Photobloggers of the world (see all of the photoblogs participating below) is Typical Breakfast. I decided to feature the typical breakfast for my partner and me. Mine is more spartan than his, and my breakfast is the top photo. His breakfast is the bottom photo. As I've showcased our fabulous mangoes from our mango tree many a time on this blog, what else would we eat but our scrumptious mangoes?! Here's how our typical breakfast works: my partner prepares the breakfast. First, he brews natural organic Kona coffee in a French Press and adds a dollop of chocolate almond milk in my mug with the fresh brewed coffee. We avoid dairy for the most part as dairy isn't very healthy. Then he slices a fresh mango on top of his health-food cereal which quite often is Bob's All Natural Red Mill Extra Thick Rolled Oats. He prefers to eat raw oatmeal rather than cooked oatmeal. In the photo above, the cereal is some other brand of health food cereal. After slicing up the cold mango for his cereal, he serves me the extra juicy core of the mango! As far as I'm concerned, this is the BEST part of the mango. It's messy to eat, and you have to pick it up with both hands and slurp away to experience the outrageous juicy goodness. The breakfast photo was taken on our outdoor table on our back deck which is totally private and surrounded by greenery so there is no one to witness me slurping my breakfast! :Smile: Saint Paul (MN), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - New York City (NY), USA - Tel Aviv, Israel - Hyde, UK - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Mainz, Germany - Stockholm, Sweden - Paderborn, Germany - Singapore, Singapore - Haninge, Sweden - Nottingham, UK - Ampang (Selangor), Malaysia - Manila, Philippines - Boston (MA), USA - Seoul, Korea - Singapore, Singapore - Joplin (MO), USA - Chandler (AZ), USA - Paris, France - Sequim (WA), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Boston (MA), USA - Chennai, India - Madison (WI), USA - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Toulouse, France - Seattle (WA), USA - Mexico (DF), Mexico - La Antigua, Guatemala - Selma (AL), USA - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Lubbock (TX), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Sheki, Azerbaijan - Sydney, Australia - Mumbai, India - Seoul, South Korea - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - New Orleans (LA), USA - Budapest, Hungary - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Austin (TX), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Villigen, Switzerland - Montréal (QC), Canada - Stayton (OR), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Moscow, Russia - Springfield (MO), USA - Inverness (IL), usa - Arlington (VA), USA - Cologne (NRW), Germany - Anderson (SC), USA - Oslo, Norway - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Manila, Philippines - Kajang (Selangor), Malaysia - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Bandung (West Java), Indonesia - Stavanger, Norway - Bastia, France - Hong Kong, China - Wailea (HI), USA - St. Louis (MO), USA - Chicago (IL), USA - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Sydney, Australia - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Kansas City (MO), USA - Grenoble, France - Paris, France - Evry, France - Saigon, Vietnam - Prague, Czech Republic - Cape Town, South Africa - Brookville (OH), USA - Brussels, Belgium - San Diego (CA), USA - Wellington, New Zealand - Newcastle (NSW), Australia - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Shanghai, China - Zurich, Switzerland - North Bay (ON), Canada - Lyon, France - Naples (FL), USA
 The trumpet vine is seen all over Maui, and it's great for hanging baskets and fences. It thrives on the hot sun.
   Maui has some of the highest prices in the nation for produce and food. So I decided to snap a few photos inside the local South Maui Safeway store to give you a sampling of these prices. It's really hilarious to take our Mainland guests to a grocery store on Maui and watch their faces as they see what little they get for their money--and the same goes for restaurants. The high costs of food and oil are the price we pay for living in Paradise.
 First came the gall wasps which decimated the once flourishing, beautiful coral trees which served as a windbreak along the Mokulele Highway. Then came road construction to turn this highway into four lanes. I took this photo last week of the remains of these once beautiful trees.
 We adopted our Maui cat, Ms. Anela (anela means angel in Hawaiian) when she was a tiny baby, and she's led a very spoiled, privileged life with us. However, if you drive around Maui, you will see many a cat with similar markings--many of them feral cats without a large home to protect. Anela likes to perch on our back deck railing and survey her territory from on high.
 This is a photo of hot stones in their heated container. I love these stones! My Maui masseuse of 12 years uses them to roll over my body during a massage, and they feel sooooo good! If you've never had a hot stone massage, you're in for a real treat when you receive one because the smooth, heated stones make your muscles relax faster. By the time she's finished giving me an hour and half session with these stones, any stress I walked in with has completely vanished!
 Our orchid plant is once again in full bloom. This plant was given to us three years ago, and is now blooming again for the fifth time. This is what the website Maui Orchids writes: "When do orchids bloom? The most popular types bloom in winter and spring, but orchids may be found that bloom in any month of the year. Keep in mind that many plants that bloom for their first time may be flowering out of their normal season, and in many cases, our flowering season may be sooner or later than yours due to our temperature and cultural differences."
 The roof of the Queen Ka'ahumanu Center, the main shopping center on Maui, is easily recognizable from a distance--a series of peaked white thrusts. This photo shows one corner of the large center.
 Hawaiian quilts are amazing, and many of them are displayed as this one is--as a work of art. Here's a little Hawaiian quilt history: "A Hawaiian quilt first seen is rarely forgotten. Not only does it possess a strikingly beautiful pattern, but an unexplainable quality which originates more from the spirit (mana) of the design than the stitches created by the quilter's hand. Hawaiian quilting differs from quilting which evolved in other parts of the world. Its unique method of design, intricately quilted, continues to be more of a form of artistic expression than a well designed utilitarian necessity." You can read more on this site.
 Wild chickens run around free in some areas of Maui....something which surprises the visitors and concerns others. So I offer up this Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road joke: Q: Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?A: She was afraid someone would caesar!
 I didn't write any commentary yesterday because I was in a contemplative mood and sensing the death of a beloved friend. The photo I've posted today is similar to the one I posted yesterday--only this photo's got more light and life. It's symbolic of the shift of our friend who moved Into The Light and to The Other Side. If you would like to read more about him, I posted about him on my other blog, Who's Yo Mama?

This is a photo of a relative of my partner. He lost his darling wife to cancer several years ago, and this was his first time to visit us on Maui. I finally caught him smiling for the first time on this beach. Mama Maui is known for her ability to return smiles to the faces and assist those who have been grieving to take the first baby steps to healing.
 As I was re-visiting this blog today examining how far I've come in a year since I've been blogging, I'm truly amazed. I switched cameras, and then Ming showed me how to make the photos larger which really helped the photos have more punch. The blog isn't a year old, and yet she has grown so much! The reason the review began is because I wanted to show the before and after photos of the pohaku posted above. I've taken a beautiful photo of the same pohaku before there was a foundation made for it. Naturally, I can't find the earlier photo now I want it! Grrr... So I'm going to go ahead and post this photo, and when I find it in my photo files, I'll come back and edit this post.
 Yesterday prayers were answered because it FINALLY rained here in South Maui. It rained in many places Island-wise, but South Maui is often the last to get rain because we're really a desert environment which has been modified.
 Can anyone guess the elements which compose this photo? What is the creme colored thing in the middle?
 As I've mentioned before, I take my two digital cameras and Flip Video with me in my purse so that if I see a great photo op, I'm good to go. This photo was taken inside the ladie's bathroom at the wonderful Hai'ilimaile General Store Restaurant. Nice, eh?
 So what is this?  A Maui Convertible Limo! I'm keeping up with my two postings a day so I can meet my 365 photo goal before throwing in the towel. You think a daily photo a day is challenging...well, two is tougher!
 95 Visitors to the site yesterday according to Statcounter, and NO ONE recognized the Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, sitting with Beverly Gannon. Amazing.
 Does anyone know who these two famous ladies are?
 I'm double posting today and may even be triple posting for awhile to meet my goal of 365 posts before we take off for vacation.....and possibly something else. Let's just say something's in the works, and once it happens, we'll probably be outta here. I want to leave a beautiful Maui photo legacy before departure. And ya never know, I might start another DP blog at our new home. This photo was taken in a courtyard in Makawao, a charming little town upcountry. After I took the photo, a young man approached me and asked me if I liked what I saw. I said "Yes, it's very beautiful", and I could see by the twinkle in his eye, he was VERY happy I had appreciated HIS creation. So I asked him, "Did you do all this?" And he shyly smiled and nodded. I was happy I made his day. While talking-story with a clerk at a store in Makawao yesterday, we received a message from Spirit confirming the possibility of something new just around the corner.
 I snapped this beautiful dish ready to be served to a customer yesterday at the Haili'imaile General Store Restaurant. Even though our group had already eaten, this dish looked so yummy and was a photo op I couldn't pass up. I've featured food from this restaurant before in earlier posts as this is one of our favorite restaurants.
 Similar yellow flowers are seen all over Maui, but these two rather wind-blown ones are found in our back-yard. It's been super gusty here in the afternoons, and our flowers and plants have been taking a beating from these hot, dry winds. On another note, I have added the "I Follow" Badge to my sidebar, and I've removed the 'No-Follow' attribute inside my template. For those that don't know about this subject, I direct you to read the June 26th post on one of my blogs, Blog-Blond. Guest blogger Melbourne Sue Bride wrote a superlative post on this matter. What it comes down to in a nutshell is that now you'll receive back links for your comments. Some of you may not care about this, but many may. It's kinda like a reward for commenting. The big reward will be when I finally hit The BIG 365, and this is when I will actually hand out PRIZES! And this day isn't all that far away! Yesterday was my 300th Birthday!!!! I began this blog August of 2006, and I might even celebrate the day I first posted. I love celebrating! I may have to double-post some days because I want to celebrate my 365th post before traveling in September. Soon you might see Twice Wailea Daily Photo!
 I've posted before about our magnificent mango tree and called it the Giving Tree. Yup, it's still giving and giving. We have so many mangoes, and we pass them on to others. Of course, we keep some for ourselves. The best way to eat them after they've ripened to a beautiful yellow gold is cold. I slurp them down all the way to the inner seed, not missing a drop of juicy goodness.
 These little beauties are blooming on our trellis now and compete with our other blooming flowers for our praise and attention.
 Within the Ka'ahumanu Center is a playground for children with large, colorful dolphins and other animals to crawl under and sit upon.
 The kids line up for this machine, the Jumping Jackpot. It has replaced the dancing by numbers machine as the front attraction at the Fun Factory in the Ka'ahumanu Center.
 Yesterday I mentioned the nudist beach, Little Beach. Today I show it to you! As you can see, not everyone is nude. To get to this beach, you have to climb up and over a small cliff. Both photos were taken from the land mass which separates them--I once did a wedding on this promontory because this is where the bride and groom wanted to get married.
 This photo wasn't taken yesterday for it were, the beach would've been packed on the 4th! Makena Beach, also known as Big Beach, is a very popular beach, and just over the hill is Little Beach, a nudist beach. The waves sometimes get rough here and the shore-break can be dangerous. One of our tenants broke her leg body-surfing here. A lady who was only standing in the water here got attacked by a shark. But, for the most part, it's a great beach!
 These are the flowers blooming behind our back deck now. Gorgeous, eh? I'll be attempting to capture the fireworks tonight as probably every photoblogger across America will be doing. To get some sharp photos, I may actually have to study my camera and figure out how to shoot night shots. If you see firework photos appearing here, you'll know I figured it out. If not, then my camera will have bested me again.
 Deep in a magical land There’s fairies waiting for mortal queens They flutter up high Upon the blue sky And twinkle dust and kiss your cheek I have a few friends in a land They live within the trees They fly up and down higher than the bees I love them, so I start To keep them warm within my heart 2007©Leanne. Co.Dublin Ireland
 We admired the beautiful water hyacinths growing in great big containers at a friend's home, and our lovely friend offered to give us some cuttings along with the guppies who live in this eco-system. This past Saturday we took her up on her offer and collected the cuttings and guppies. Bringing them home and installing them in our own container, the VERY next day the flower bloomed....and it only lasted one day! Here is the description from the Water Garden Shop: "Delicate flowers that usually last only a day, grace this plant with bluish to lilac blooms marked with yellow peacock center eyes on 6 in. spikes at the center of a rosette of glossy green, bulbous leaves. Air pockets in the bulbous areas keep the plant afloat. Long thick black roots trail to provide spawning and hiding places for fish. Another benefit is the nutrient absorbing qualities of the plant. Good for placement in the pond early as possible to get ahead of the algae. Typical to tropicals it requires heat and sunlight to flourish and bloom. A vigorous reproducer, you will need to thin out older plants. Will not winter over in most climates unless brought indoors to ample light and warm water above 70 degrees."