 The March Theme is graffiti or street art in your town, and I am showcasing this one because I find it hauntingly beautiful. It is hidden away behind a restaurant in Makawao, and I located it through the help of my daughter.
Please take the time to peruse the interesting photos with this theme from around the world.Adelaide, Australia by Gordon, Albuquerque (NM), USA by Helen, Aliso Viejo (CA), USA by Rodney, American Fork (UT), USA by Annie, Anderson (SC), USA by Lessie, Arradon, France by Alice, Ashton under Lyne, UK by Pennine, Athens, Greece by Debbie, Auckland, New Zealand by Lachezar, Austin (TX), USA by LB, Bandung, Indonesia by Guntur Purwanto, Baziège, France by PaB, Belgrade, Serbia by BgdPic, Bellefonte (PA), USA by Barb-n-PA, Bicheno, Australia by Greg, Boston (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Boston (MA), USA by Fenix, Boston (MA), USA by Sarah, Whit, & Leyre, Brighton, UK by Harvey, Bucaramanga, Colombia by Fernando, Budapest, Hungary by Isadora, Budapest, Hungary by Zannnie and Zsolt, Buenos Aires, Argentina by Karine, Canterbury, UK by Rose, Cape Town, South Africa by Kerry-Anne, Chandler (AZ), USA by Melindaduff, Chateaubriant, France by Bergson, Cheltenham, UK by Marley, Chicago (IL), USA by b.c., Chicago (IL), USA by U R us, Christchurch, New Zealand by Michelle, Clearwater (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Clearwater Beach (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Cleveland (OH), USA by iBlowfish, Cologne, Germany by April11, Coral Gables (FL), USA by Jnstropic, Detroit (MI), USA by Taittems, Dunedin (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Durban, South Africa by CrazyCow, Evry, France by Olivier, Forks (WA), USA by Corinne, Glasgow, Scotland by Jackie, Greenville (SC), USA by Denton, Grenoble, France by Bleeding Orange, Guelph, Canada by Pat, Helsinki, Finland by Kaa, Hobart, Australia by Greg, Hyde, UK by Gerald, Inverness (IL), USA by Neva, Jackson (MS), USA by Halcyon, Jefferson City (MO), USA by Chinamom2005, Joplin (MO), USA by Victoria, Juneau (AK), USA by Gwyn, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Edwin, Kyoto, Japan by Tadamine, Larchmont (NY), USA by Marie-Noyale, Le Guilvinec, France by ds2944, Lisbon, Portugal by Sailor Girl, Lisbon, Portugal by Jsaltao, Lodz, Poland by ritalounge, London, UK by Ham, London, UK by Mo, Mainz, Germany by JB, Maple Ridge, Canada by Susan, Mazatlan, Mexico by Kate, Melbourne, Australia by Mblamo, Melbourne, Australia by John, Memphis (TN), USA by SouthernHeart, Menton, France by Jilly, Mexico, Mexico by Poly, Mexico City, Mexico by Carraol, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Mitch, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Greg, Monte Carlo, Monaco by Jilly, Montréal, Canada by Douber, Moscow, Russia by Irina, Mumbai, India by Kunalbhatia, Mumbai, India by MumbaiIteanu, Naples (FL), USA by Isabella, Nashville (TN), USA by Chris, Nelson, New Zealand by Meg and Ben, New Orleans (LA), USA by steve buser, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK by Cassie & Chris, Niamey, Niger by Dinabee, Norwich, UK by Goddess888, Nottingham, UK by Gail's Man, Ocean Township (NJ), USA by Josy, Paris, France by Eric, Pasadena (CA), USA by Can8ianben, Pasadena (CA), USA by Petrea, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia by Murphy_jay, Pilisvörösvár, Hungary by Elise, Port Angeles (WA), USA by Jelvistar, Port Elizabeth, South Africa by Sam, Port Vila, Vanuatu by Mblamo, Prague, Czech Republic by Honza03, Quincy (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Radonvilliers, France by Deslilas, Riga, Latvia by Prokur, Rome, Italy by Giovanni, Rotterdam, Netherlands by Ineke, Saarbrücken, Germany by LadyDemeter, Saint Louis (MO), USA by Strangetastes, Saint Paul (MN), USA by Kate, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation by Lark, San Antonio (TX), USA by Kramer, San Diego (CA), USA by Felicia, San Diego (CA), USA by Zentmrs, Santa Fe (NM), USA by Randem, Seattle (WA), USA by Kim, Seattle (WA), USA by Chuck, Seguin (TX), USA by Thien, Selma (AL), USA by RamblingRound, Sesimbra, Portugal by Aldeia, Setúbal, Portugal by Maria Elisa, Sharon (CT), USA by Jenny, Silver Spring (MD), USA by John, Singapore, Singapore by Keropok, Sofia, Bulgaria by Antonia, St Francis, South Africa by Sam, Stavanger, Norway by Tanty, Stayton (OR), USA by Celine, Stockholm, Sweden by Stromsjo, Subang Jaya, Malaysia by JC, Sydney, Australia by Sally, Székesfehérvár, Hungary by Teomo, Terre Haute (IN), USA by Zann, Terrell (TX), USA by Bstexas, Terrell (TX), USA by Jim K, The Hague, Netherlands by Lezard, Tokyo, Japan by Tadamine, Torun, Poland by Torun Observer, Toulouse, France by Julia, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina by Jazzy, Twin Cities (MN), USA by Slinger, Vienna, Austria by G_mirage2, Wailea (HI), USA by Kuanyin, Wassenaar, Netherlands by Rich, Wellington, New Zealand by Jeremyb, West Paris (ME), USA by crittoria, West Sacramento (CA), USA by Barbara, Weston (FL), USA by WestonDailyPhoto, Wrocław, Poland by Loompi, Yardley (PA), USA by Mrlynn,
Here's a photo which depicts the truth of the skies of Maui. Not only do the people suffer--as do most of the Hawaiian Islands and especially the Big Island-- from volcanic smog, but we also have the smoke from sugar cane burn blowing in the wind which is full of chemicals. Of course, these two conditions don't happen all the time! Lately the Vog has been horrible, but thankfully no cane burn is blowing our direction today.
The Vog blows over from flowing Kilauea on the Big Island. The cane burn originates from Central Maui.
 "If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring." Khalil Gibran
Springtime has arrived on Maui as evidenced by this gorgeous Cherry Blossom tree blooming in Kula. This tree is so beautiful I had to stop and take many photos of it. The Cherry Blossom is the national flower of Japan, and it represents "more than just ascetic beauty, but also transience, melancholy, and the honor of graceful resignation."
One of the fun things for me to do on Maui is people-watch and photograph people and animals on the beach. Since we don't have city streets to walk and people-watch, one of the best places is the beach where you'll find people from all over the world. Most of the time I photograph happy people, children, and animals, but I'm also attracted to the unusual person or those with a different style. This man was dressed completely in black and with black sunglasses.
High on the slopes of Haleakala, one finds the Lavender Farm (open to the public) which I've featured before in this blog. The view from this location is breathtaking--the valley far below, the West Maui Mountains, and the ocean. In particular, I love this deck with table and chairs--a perfect place to contemplate, praise Great Spirit, say prayers of gratitude, and meditate.
Yesterday we went to view the Heart Shrine Relic Tour at the local community college on Maui, MCC. The relics have been traveling since 2001. This was the last opportunity to see them on Maui as they will be taken to be placed in the giant bronze statue of the Maitreya Project in India due for completion in 2010.Usually these relics are enshrined in statues, stupas, or monasteries, but because the Dalai Lama requested they travel to be seen by many so as to inspire world peace, they have been traveling around the world. Many miracles are attributed to being in their presence.For more information about the Relic Tour and the Maitreya Project, click here.I will be posting a slide show of the relics on my other blog, Who's Yo Mama.
This is the super GLAMOUROUS jacuzzi and pool of the Four Seasons Wailea. Inviting, eh? This beautiful resort consistently wins awards as one of the world's best resorts.
Mahalo Nui Loa to Carlos of Barcelona Photo Blog who gave me this award. Carlos has an amazing, gorgeous photo blog! I've learned so much from Carlos, and I'm still learning, for he's way ahead of me on the blog curve. The rules of this award are to pass it onto FIVE other bloggers and then link back to the blogger who gave you the award. Just as Carlos expressed on his blog-- if you don't want to pass this award on and choose not to play--I'm fine with that too! With that said, I give this award to these bloggers and the reason why I'm picking them:Ming of New Year City Daily PhotoMing taught me how to make my photos bigger, and the photo sizing made all the difference in the world for Wailea Daily Photo. Plus I love to ogle his great photos of one of my old stomping grounds--Manhattan.Jilly of Menton Daily PhotoJilly's received this award before as evidenced on her sidebar (many times), but hey, she's created a beautiful, colorful photo blog, and she really puts a lot of love into it as well as her Monaco blog, so she deserves one more award. Why not?! :Smile:Delphi Daily PhotoI've received a Summons from Spirit to return for another visit to Greece, and until I find the right moment to journey there, I love to feel the Grecian energy by visiting this blog. Today there's a beautiful photo of almond blossoms.Kala of Honolulu Daily PhotoHis photos are inspiring and stunning and beautiful--and they remind me why I'm thrilled to live in Hawaii.Santy from Jakarta Daily PhotoSanty was the first from the DPB family to welcome me, and I still appreciate that warm welcome! Oh, I can't forget to mention the great photography!
Now here's more photos of Mama's Fish House:
This is the entrance/exit to the most famous seafood restaurant on the island of Maui, Mama's Fish House Restaurant. The restaurant has been around for ages, and the cuisine is exceptional, and (cough!) so are the prices. Bring your credit card or beaucoup bucks when you come here. Be sure to click on the link above to hear beautiful Hawaiian music and photos of delicious food.We took our daughter out to dine there yesterday on her birthday, and everything was DIVINE as it always is. We love Mama's!
This little girl--unknown to us--came and laid down in the sand in front of us on the beach and proceeded to make a pattern in the sand. I asked her what she was making, and she told me, "I'm making a sand angel for you!" I've heard of snow angels before, but this was my introduction to sand angels.
This is a view of the two swimming pools of the Wailea Beach Marriott Resort and Spa taken from the Mala Restaurant. The reason most of the chairs are empty is because it's dinner time. Don't the pools look inviting?
When you sit outdoors at Brigit and Bernard's Restaurant, this is what you see. Lovely, yes?
Here's something sweet for ya'll on Valentine's Day. May your day be experienced as a day of Unconditional Love and Gratitude!
This is one end of the bar at Outback Steak House, and we asked the bartendress about Toohey's Draught since there was such a large poster for it. She told us they don't even sell it here, but since it's the most popular beer/lager/ale/pilsner/whatever in Australia, they put the poster up. The only Aussie beer they sell at Outback is Fosters. It's a funny world, eh?
Yesterday was a glorious day at the beach, and this is my favorite photo of the day. If you'd like to see a slide show of more photos from yesterday, click on my other blog Who's Yo Mama? to see more.
Yesterday was spent with a (visiting) friend at the huge Kahului Swap Meet which takes place every Saturday. This is a great place to get fresh coconut juice. Here is the chop of the coconut to halve it, and then you take the end piece of the coconut to use as a scoop to scarf down the delicious, succulent interior. I've already drunk the coconut juice, and this is the final step in enjoying a fresh coconut. Yummy!
 This is an old photo I discovered as I was going through paperwork and photos. Doesn't Maui look like Paradise? I have MANY photos of Maui in and on the water since I spent lots of my time on boats or in the water back then.
I recently admired what a friend of ours did with her stove top. She covered it and turned it into a beautiful place to display some of her orchids and a sculpture. Her creativity has inspired me, and even though I'm not planning to do the same thing with our stove, I'm in the mood to change things around a bit in our home. Out with the old--in with the new! After all, today is the beginning of another long cycle since the rat was the first animal to show up before all the other animals in Chinese astrology, and today is the Year of the Wood Rat!
This is a photo of my S.O. visiting a friend. His birthday's this Sunday, and even though he's growing YOUNGER (?), he still finds many things to laugh about.
Our Mango Tree is growing baby mangoes again. Soon we'll have mature, ripe, JUICY mangoes to slurp and share. The last couple of years this magnificent mango tree has been so generous with us, and we've had a super abundant crop. By the look of all the babies on the tree now, it looks like another great season ahead!
This Hong Kong Orchid Tree grows profusely throughout the Islands, and you'll often see the pink blossoms like a pink carpet as they've blow down on the roadway. I've posted a photo of this 'pink carpet' in a prior post. This is one of my favorite Hawaiian trees.
This photo shows the way you drive up to the entrance of the Grand Wailea Resort--the photo which I posted yesterday. As you can see, there is a large bronze statue facing the entrance like a guard. This photo gives you a larger perspective.What a day it was yesterday! I did my best to visit most of the 135 entries, and I know I visited some of you TWICE by accident! Phew! Lots of commenting! If I missed you, pardon me! I was nearly cross-eyed by the time I finished. Since I don't visit most of you all the time, I try to make up for this lack of commenting on Theme Days!