Please take extra care in case of emergency due to the impending hurricane. Immediately, you should make sure to backup critical data. If possible, backup to CD, DVD or external device (hard drive or flash memory) and store the backup safely away from the original data source.
If it looks like the wind and rain are going to severely affect Maui, I recommend you shut down and turn off all computers, servers, printers, dsl or cable modems, routers/firewalls, etc. Then unplug these devices from the wall. Most of you are probably connected to battery backup or surge protection, best to also turn those off and unplug from the wall. If you only unplug the battery backup it will being running off the battery. You need to manually turn off the battery backup. In a pinch, you can turn on the battery backup and charge up a cell phone.
Most importantly, stay safe and hope mother nature is kind to us."
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